Yvan, Caballero
Senior Hydrogeologist
Based in: France
Yvan is a senior hydrogeologist – project manager at BRGM. After a thesis on the interactions between soils and the atmosphere in a tropical high mountain context (Andes, Bolivia), he developed research on the impact of global changes (climatic and anthropogenic) on water resources in different regions of the world (Europe, India, Latin America), relying on various types of funding: European Union (Interreg (PIRAGUA), H2020 (INDECIS)); National (ANR - Vulcan or Graind'Sel and in India SHIVA) and Regional (ERDF, Dem'Eaux Roussillon or Water Agency RMC (Controlled Recharge and Natural Recharge)). He has also been involved in the construction of the scientific strategy of the BRGM's scientific program on the characterization of groundwater resource potentialities since 2014.
Tools used
- Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors, 2022
- Mapping economic feasibility of managed aquifer recharge, 2020
- Quatre ans après: que reste-t-il d'une action de recherche sur une prospective de la gestion d'une nappe côtière face au changement climatique?, 2017
- An interdisciplinary modelling framework for selecting adaptation measures at the river basin scale in a global change scenario, 2015
- Projected impacts of climate change on farmers' extraction of groundwater from crystalline aquifers in South India, 2014
- Western Pyrenees facing global change: comparison of the effects of climatic and anthropogenic change on water abstractions, 2014