Hybrid methods
Hybrid approaches associate different disciplines such as experimental economics and experimental psychology, social simulation (Agent Based Modelling), micro-economics, hydro-geology and agronomy, etc.
Hybrid approaches associate different disciplines such as experimental economics and experimental psychology, social simulation (Agent Based Modelling), micro-economics, hydro-geology and agronomy, etc. Our hybrid methods include multidisciplinary studies (referring to cases where several disciplines are used jointly but staying within the boundaries of each discipline), interdisciplinary studies (referring to analysis and synthesis coordinated in a coherent whole), and transdisciplinary studies (referring to cases where natural, social and health sciences are integrated in a context leading to trespassing their traditional boundaries).
- Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors, 2022
- Large-scale participation in policy design: citizen proposals for rural development in Tunisia, 2022
- Relational quality and uncertainty in common pool water management: an exploratory lab experiment, 2021
- Mapping economic feasibility of managed aquifer recharge, 2020
- Building new kinds of meta-models to analyse experimentally (companion) modelling processes in the field of natural resource management, 2019
- Comment rendre compte de la multiplicité des valeurs des services écosystémiques des hydrosystèmes? Volume 2: Application à l'amont du bassin-versant des Gardons, 2017
- Comment rendre compte de la multiplicité des valeurs des services écosystémiques des hydrosystèmes? Volume 1: Cadre conceptuel: services écosystémiques, valeurs et méthodes d'évaluation, 2017
- An interdisciplinary modelling framework for selecting adaptation measures at the river basin scale in a global change scenario, 2015
- Projected impacts of climate change on farmers' extraction of groundwater from crystalline aquifers in South India, 2014
- Western Pyrenees facing global change: comparison of the effects of climatic and anthropogenic change on water abstractions, 2014
- An Agent-Based Model to Explore Game Setting Effects on Attitude Change During a Role Playing Game Session, 2013
Members who used it
Géraldine Abrami , Olivier Barreteau , Bruno Bonté , Yvan Caballero , Emmanuel Dubois , Stefano Farolfi , Patrice Garin , Cécile Hérivaux , Damien Jourdain , Philippe Le Coent , Julien Mallard , Marielle Montginoul , Sylvie Morardet , Noémie Neverre , Jean-Daniel Rinaudo