Defining groundwater remediation objectives with cost-benefit analysis: does it work?

cost-benefit analysis , groundwater remediation , contingent valuation

Cite as:

Rinaudo, JD., Aulong, S. Defining Groundwater Remediation Objectives with Cost-benefit Analysis: Does It Work?. Water Resour Manage 28, 261–278 (2014)

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The use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is increasingly advocated as a tool for supporting water planning decisions, in particular at the local (site) level. This paper questions whether CBA is relevant for evaluating groundwater management options at the scale of large regional aquifers. It highlights the difficulties related to estimating the cost of groundwater protection and remediation measures at the regional (water body) level. It also identifies methodological challenges in estimating the economic value of the benefits of groundwater protection. The paper is based on an original case study carried out on the upper Rhine valley aquifer in eastern France. The methodology deployed combines engineering approaches to assess the cost of remediation and economic methods (contingent valuation) to estimate the benefits associated with groundwater improvement.


Journal Article

Authors (ordered by last name)
Stéphanie Aulong ; Jean-Daniel Rinaudo

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